


Other People's Drawings - 2

With a Frontally Protruding Stag's Head
Joseph Beuys, 1948
Opaque white and pencil, 21 x 29.5 cm

I Steal The Filler Flowers From The Bouquet At Work Every Friday

This pic isn't usable as it didn't turn out like the others (I took it at the wrong time of day) but I like it anyway.


FYI - Polaroids and Christmas Lights Don't Mix 2

I found 2 more defunct attempts.

Tried and True

The arm pit method.

I Love Someone More Than I Love Snow

And that's saying a lot.


Rachel, You're Killing Me

Whiteread made a chess set? Makes sense to me.


It's All Starting To Take Shape

32 usable pics done, 218 to go. This is the layout:

The parchment colour in the background is meant to represent a wall. 5 pieces at 50 shots each. The pics are (tentatively) taken in Toronto from Fall 2006-Spring 2007. Further explanation will follow as the elements become more put together.


Other People's Drawings - 1

Whitread brings the herring bone to a new level.


Books Acquired and Read - January


  1. Arboretum - Bryne
  2. The Art of Indian Vegetarian Cooking - Devi
  3. Photography: A Cultural History - Marien
  4. The Anthropology of Turquoise - Meloy
  5. Robert Smithson - MOCA
  6. The Black Book - Pamuk
  7. Selected Cantos - Pound
  8. Satan in Goray - Singer
  9. The Pastures of Heaven - Steinbeck
  10. The Pearl/The Red Pony - Steinbeck
  11. The Winter of Our Discontent - Steinbeck
  12. Issue 5 - McSweeney's
  13. Issue 8 - McSweeney's


  1. Photography: A Cultural History - Marien (chapters 1 + 2)
  2. Issue 5 - McSweeney's
  3. The War Works Hard - Mikhail
  4. The Peripheral Space of Photography - Nemet-Nejat
  5. Snow - Pamuk
  6. Sexing the Cherry - Winterson