
Airing Out

Before starting my new work I checked the wealth of knowledge on Polaroid's website. Supposedly after taking photos they should be left out to air dry for at least a week.

I Wish

... That someone someday will write something like this about me. From Singer: An Album. Damn.

Another 10

Don't recall if I've mentioned it before, but Adam is helping me out with the Sidewalk series. Here is his first 10. I'm totally happy with them. Perhaps the fact that I've enlisted another to take photos for me, will give an idea of the scope I'm hoping this project will have.


Another Snag from Work

Here's a crop of a big piece of card stock. They come lining the bottom of boxes of envelopes. Last count, I'm up to a hoard of 30.



It's a word I've been throwing around as I revamp my artist's statement. I scored this paper from work... one of the few benefits of slugging away at a day job in an office.

Accepted into the TOAE!

Here is an example of the work I'm getting ready for the show. I doubt this combo will exist come July, but none the less:

I scanned the Polaroids and compiled it digitally. The actual photos still sit safely in boxes. The pics are of light on a wall, leaves with frost, falling snow at night and light coming through my blinds/curtains. My working title for the series is Patchwork Toronto. I think there will be 5 pieces of this size in the end (200 photos total), with some smaller works to accompany. I'm almost done taking the shots, but have to wait to do some until the warm weather officially rolls in.



It's been a bit since I've posted. This is indicative of how my life has felt:

Geez, I thought my purse felt heavy. Seriously, there's over 20$ here.