
Books Acquired and Read - February


  1. Joe - Foer (text) + Sugimoto (photo)
  2. Rachel Whiteread Embankment - Tate
  3. Atlas - Richter


  1. Art and Photography - Campany
  2. Hiroshi Sugimoto - Brougher + Elliott
  3. Joe - Foer (text) + Sugimoto (photo)
  4. Agnes Martin - Haskell
  5. Agnes Martin - Kern
  6. The Drawing Book - Kovats
  7. Photography: A Cultural History - Marien (chapter 3)
  8. Conceptual Art - Osborne
  9. Richard Serra Sculpture 1987-1989 - Pace Gallery
  10. The Daily Practice of Painting - Richter
  11. Richard Serra 66-77 - Serra
  12. The Winter of Our Discontent - Steinbeck

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