
Anonymous Drawing

The cat is out of the bag: this is my anonymous drawing for Blütenweiss' 9th annual 'Anonyme Zeichner' show, this year at Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien. Emmy turned me onto the open call, and I'm told the venue is quite respectable.

It's probably pretty hard to tell, but it's plain white tracing paper with a line pattern embossed onto it. Here is the piece of note paper I used to create the pattern:

Not sure which one I like more.


Stan Krzyzanowski said...

I really like how you document the process. Thank you. This reminds me of the letter I sent to a friend, written on tracing paper while in the pad, and which got lost in the mail. My friend never received the letter. I subsequently sent the next page from the pad in a separate letter, which still held the impressions of the text from the lost letter.

heather said...

That's amazing! I like that a lot, the traces of our actions.